Thinking About Going Vegan? | My Life-Changing Journey


Are you thinking about going vegan? Are you ready to make an incredible decision that will change your life?

At the very beginning when you are thinking about going vegan, you are about to discover a new world. That world is not limited, but rather full of possibilities. It’s a question of whether you want to see the light or not. Some are not ready to see it yet, while others open their eyes and realize their new reality is better, lighter, and happier than the one they have been living in.

Are you thinking about going vegan_

Better Than Ever Before

In this day and age, we are bathing in knowledge. It is accessible to us wherever we are, and that is what veganism is about. Knowing better and doing better. Not only for the animals and for the environment, but for yourself as well. I do not have the authority to tell you what is best for you, but I can honestly tell you that 100% of all the vegans I have ever met felt better and more energized on a plant-based diet.

If we for one second remove the pressure of a failing environment, and the guilt of dying animals. Considering only ourselves, a vegan diet is still a great alternative to animal products. When I first turned vegan in 2016 there were not a lot of options, I will admit. At times it was also uncomfortable to face the judgement of others as a “weird” or “difficult” person, but a lot has happened in five years.

There are vegan options everywhere around the world. A vegan is not forced to plan every restaurant visit to the same extent as a few years ago. We are also more accepted by the general public, and I suspect that in five more years the meat eaters will be frowned upon and not the other way around.

In other words, you do not have to worry about that aspect of veganism. If anything, you will be respected for taking the step towards a better future for yourself (and others).

Benefits All Around

You will also discover new flavors, new receipts, a healthier mind, and a lighter body.

I realize that many people look at veganism as a diet to lose weight. I would scratch that as a factor for going vegan right away. If you lose weight that is just a plus (if that’s what you want), but I think most people stay at the same weight after going vegan.

Personally, I gained a few pounds when I chose this lifestyle. And I’m very okay with it because I know it doesn’t have anything to do with the food I ate but the amount of food I consumed. Weight loss is about calories going in versus calories burned out.

There were a lot of dishes to try out and I enjoyed it! Veganism is not about looking good. Instead, it’s about feeling good while doing what is right for your body. Gaining knowledge, clarity, radiance, and consciousness. Looking good comes from the inside and it will show on the outside when you make good choices for yourself.

I struggled with acne before going vegan, and after I changed to a plant-based diet it slowly but surely disappeared. I cleaned my inside and it showed on the outside. This happened automatically but it was never my intention. I followed what made me feel good, and it showed.

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Conclusion: Thinking About Going Vegan

In conclusion, if you are thinking about taking the first step towards veganism, I encourage you to try because you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. You might see positive changes over time in the way you feel about yourself and how your body respond to it. You will notice that there are plenty alternatives that give your tastebuds joy.

I have been vegan for five years and I am still discovering new receipts, foods, spices, and combinations. The internet is full of information from reliable sources. It is an adventure that never ends!

2 thoughts on “Thinking About Going Vegan? | My Life-Changing Journey”

  1. Pingback: What is Veganism? | A Beginner’s Guide to Everything Great about Being Vegan - Abroad Vegan

  2. Pingback: What is Veganism? A Beginner’s Guide - Abroad Vegan

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