10 High Protein Vegan Breakfast Ideas

10 high protein vegan breakfast ideas and snacks

Searching for a nutritious way to start your day? A high protein vegan breakfast can be a delicious and health-conscious choice. Rich in essential nutrients, these breakfast options provide the necessary proteins for muscle building and tissue repair without relying on animal products. Whether you’re a dedicated vegan or simply looking to diversify your dietary choices, incorporating high protein vegan meals into your morning routine is a smart move for sustained energy and well-being.

As someone who’s keen on healthy eating, you might worry that ditching animal products could leave you short on protein. It’s a common concern, right? For a long time, many of us thought avoiding meat might mean missing out on crucial nutrients, possibly feeling weaker or less energized. But here’s some good news: plenty of plant-based foods are packed with high-quality protein. Embracing a vegan diet doesn’t have to mean sacrificing strength or health. In fact, getting your daily dose of protein from vegan sources is easier than you might think, especially with experts recommending at least 50 grams of protein per day on a 1500-calorie diet to keep everything running smoothly. So, why not give it a try and see how good you can feel?

In this blog we delve into 10 tasty vegan favorites to start your day with.

Get Inspired From These High Protein Vegan Breakfast Dishes

1. Chickpea Tofu Buddha Bowl

Indulge in the ultimate plant-powered meal with this Buddha Bowl, featuring a hearty blend of chickpeas, tofu, fresh greens, and quinoa. For extra you can add some cooked pumpkin or taro. This nutrient-rich bowl is packed with protein and fiber that will keep you full for three hours at least. Cooked chickpeas amount to about 7 – 10 g of protein per 100 g.

Quinoa contains about 4 grams of protein per 100 grams when cooked. It’s a complete protein source, meaning it provides all nine essential amino acids your body needs, making it an excellent choice for vegetarians and vegans.

Tofu, which is made from soybeans, varies a bit more in protein content depending on its firmness:

Chickpea tofu buddha bowl high protein vegan breakfast

2. Tempeh and Baked Tomatoes

Fry or crisp strips of tempeh, and make a side of freshly baked tomatoes. Add some garlic and tomatoes to the oven and drizzle with olive oil. Once soft, add to a food processor and serve alongside your fried tempeh. The classic tempeh vegan ingredient will provide your protein for the morning. Did you know that tempeh has the highest amount of protein per gram in any vegan foods? Tempeh is a highly nutritious plant-based protein source made from fermented soybeans. On average, 100 grams of tempeh contains about 18 to 20 grams of protein, making it one of the denser plant-based proteins available.

Fried tempeh with baked tomatoes as a high protein vegan breakfast

3. Lentil Muffins with Vegan Tzatziki

Prepare muffins using cooked lentils, whole wheat flour, nuts, and seeds for a savory breakfast option that’s high in protein and fiber. As a side make some tzatziki with vegan yogurt and cucumbers (remember to drain the cucumbers well before adding them to the yogurt mix). Cooked lentils contain about 9 grams of protein per 100 grams. If you were to use around 50 grams of cooked lentils per muffin (which would be a bit more than a third of a cup), that would add approximately 4.5 grams of protein per muffin from the lentils alone.

High protein vegan brekafst dish with letnil muffind and tzatziki side

4. Quinoa Porridge

Here’s a different kind of breakfast dish that still packs a good amount of protein. Take your quinoa, cooked, and add in non-dairy ingredients like almond milk. Add extra toppings and season to taste!

High protein vegan breakfast dish with quinoa and vegan milk with fresh berries

5. Overnight Oats with Chia Seeds

This is another take on your morning oats, with chia seeds and non-dairy milk mixed in. Add a little cinnamon for flavor, and any other texture ingredients as necessary. For your fruits, add a pan-fried banana to the oats.

High protein vegan breakfast with overnight chia oats and fried banana

6. Protein Powder Mug Cake

Here’s another choice for a high protein vegan breakfast – you can cook with protein powder, and you don’t even need to really bake anything, at least not in the classical sense…

The basic recipe goes like this – take oat flour, vegan chocolate protein powder, and cocoa, as well as natural sweeteners, add it all together and cook in the microwave for a hearty breakfast on the go. Top it off with some baked or fresh boysenberries.

High protein vegan breakfast with chocolate and berry protein powder mug cake

7. Chickpea Crepes with Avocado

For another high protein vegan breakfast, you can mix chickpea flour (gram flour) with water and spices to make your batter. Cook like regular crepes. For the filling you can make pan fried mushrooms, add some mixed greens and avocado for a savory twist.

high protein vegan breakfast dish with chcikpea crepes filled with fried mushrooms, greens and avocado

8. Tofu Burrito

Take a vegan wrap, fry up some tofu, and fill your burrito with this protein-rich ingredient, along with any veggies you have handy.

High protein vegn breakfast buritto with ftofu and raw veggies

9. Peanut Butter, Choc, & Banana Protein Bowl

This one might seem a little decadent at first glance, but you’re still getting a lot of nutrients, and the protein you want for your morning. Lots of home cooks like to combine dark chocolate protein powder, peanut butter, along with a slate of bananas, grated dark chocolate, and hemp seeds for a sweet start to the morning.

High protein vegan breakfast with peanut butter, choc, and banana protein bowl

10. Seitan Sausage Patties

Mix vital wheat gluten with spices and vegetable broth to make homemade seitan. Shape into patties and fry until golden. Serve with sautéed vegetables or on whole-grain English muffins.

high protein vegan breakfast of seitan patties served with veggies

Don’t have time to prepare these nutritious breakfast dishes at home? No worries! You can also take advantage of premade protein bars that are easy to eat on the go. We have made alist of the most popular vegan protein bars on the market.

Five Most Popular Vegan Protein Bars to Choose for Your Busy Days

White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Clif Bar

This excellent bar has 9.8 g of protein per serving, and around 260 calories. It uses soy and oats as base materials, and has some key nutrients like B6 and B12.

Cliff bar white chocolate macadamia nut vegan protein bar

Lara Bar Peanut Butter Cookie

This is another one that will delight the sweet tooth, with 6g of protein in a single bar. Dates, peanuts and sea salt give this incredible bar its flavor.

Lara bar peanut butter cookie vegan protein bar

Special K Double Chocolate Bar

Again, you’re getting a sweet flavor, but quite a bit of nutrient value: 12g of protein in a bar, along with B6, B12, A, C, D and E, phosphorus and magnesium.

special k double chocolate bar vegan protein bar

Nature Valley Chewy Bar

The Nature Valley chewy protein granola bar has 10g of protein per serving, with various flavors available.

nature valley chewy vegan protein bar

Trek Power Peanut Butter Crunch

This has a an impressive 15.5g of protein per bar, and uses soy and peanut flour, along with natural ingredients like date syrup.

trek power choc orange vegan protein bar

So there you have it – a lot of good ideas for either a homemade vegan meal or a pre-manufactured bar.

Wrapping up: Your Guide to a Vibrant Vegan Morning

Whether you’re a seasoned vegan or just trying to incorporate more plant-based meals into your diet, these recipes are designed to keep you satisfied and energized until lunch. So, whip up one of these delicious dishes tomorrow morning and feel the difference in your day—your body (and taste buds!) will thank you. Enjoy the journey towards a healthier, more vibrant you!

Keep an eye on this blog for more on your best vegan options !

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